Information according to § 5 TMG:
Bodenseestraße 73c
81243 München
Telefon: 0049 (0)89 / 820 40 670
Telefax: 0049 (0)89 / 820 40 671
VAT-No: DE285050535
Business license:
§ 34c GewO of 06.07.2012, issued by City of Munich, Dept. Commercial matters.
Supervisory authority:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Max-Joseph-Strasse 2, 80333 Munich, Germany
Business liability insurance with Baloise Sachversicherung AG Germany
Online dispute resolution pursuant to Article 14 para. 1 ODR-VO:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can access at
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All publications, descriptions, texts, pictures, drawings, graphics and photos on this website are the property of the company Wolf REAL ESTATE. These data may only be passed on or reproduced with written permission.
Image credits: istockphoto/marchmeena29 , istockphoto/AndreyPopov , istockphoto/elxeneize , istockphoto/ashumskiy , istockphoto/fizkes , istockphoto/elxeneize, istockphoto/Ridofranz, istockphoto/monkeybusinessimages, istockphoto/fizkes, istockphoto/Drazen Zigic, istockphoto/KatarzynaBialasiewicz, istockphoto/takasuu, istockphoto/Chalirmpoj Pimpisarn, istockphoto/ismagilov, istockphoto/Phiwath Jittamas, istockphoto/vicnt, istockphoto/Louie Alma, istockphoto/Image Supply, istockphoto/bbbrrn, istockphoto/ah_fotobox, istockphoto/in4mal, istockphoto/Natee Meepian, istockphoto/peshkov, istockphoto/FollowTheFlow, istockphoto/seb_ra, istockphoto/Praiwun, istockphoto/Pattanaphong Khuankaew, istockphoto/ake1150sb, istockphoto/Richard19981977, istockphoto/Esin Tellioglu, istockphoto/KangeStudio, istockphoto/shansekala, istockphoto/wutwhanfoto, istockphoto/